My name is Erik Herrmann, and I fell in love with photography at a very young age as I saw the world through the lens of my father's cameras. My dad was always out shooting and had a darkroom set up in our house where I spent countless hours learning everything that I could about the craft. When I grew up and started my own family, I kind of forgot about the camera and the magic that I used to feel when I was out capturing images. In 2012, after not owning a camera for over two decades, I found myself in the electonics department at a local store and the the bug bit me again. I've been shooting daily ever since.
A lot had changed in the years since I wandered about with my dad. Digital had taken over from film, and it was something entirely new to me. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning this new skill set and applying what I remembered from my film days to the new (to me) digital darkroom. But I never really lost my love of film and the old way of doing things. About a year ago, I started collecting film cameras and shooting black and white film again. I develop my own film and scan the negatives, and soon I will be developing my own color as well. The name Studio7south comes from a running joke between my dad and I. We had just moved from Michigan to Tennessee and one day I asked him what he called his photo business. He gave me this real serious look and said in an equally bad fake german accent "studio seven, south" We thought it was hilarious, and it kind of stuck.